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Jay Minnucci

Service Agility

Founding Advisor

Jay Minnucci is the President and Founder of Service Agility, a consulting and training company dedicated to improving customer service and call center operations. In this role, he provides strategic and tactical guidance across all industries for enterprises that seek to optimize customer interactions. Prior to starting his own firm, he spent 8 years as the Vice President of Consulting for the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI). Before becoming a consultant, he spent 17 years running mission-critical award winning call center operations.

Articles by Jay Minnucci

A Culture of Trust

Consider what it must be like the first time someone listens to the entire interaction you had with a customer and dissects it word for word.

People Performance Management People management

The Moment of Truth

Many times, you won’t know how important the call is until you talk to me.

Strategy Customer Experience Strategic management

First Step: Showing Up

It is not an exaggeration to say that frontline agents are the lifeblood of the contact center, so they certainly provide a great return on the investment. Unless, of course, they don’t show up.

People Performance Management People management

Getting Closer to the Customer

Satisfaction studies are a tool, but they are not the whole toolbox. A hammer is indispensable to a carpenter, but it isn’t much help when a piece of wood needs to be cut to size.

Strategy Customer Experience Strategic management

2016 Contact Center Work Environment Survey

Survey findings on the “little things” that impact agent job satisfaction.


5 Ways to Improve Engagement

The only absolute that I have learned about engagement in a contact center is this: If your agents aren’t engaged, you won’t be a top-performing center.

People People management

When Dysfunction Strikes

In many organizations, dysfunction is sitting below the surface like a dormant virus. Yes, it is quiet most of the time. But if a certain grouping of circumstances comes together, it awakens in a most viral and menacing fashion.

Operations Service Delivery Strategic management

Conversing or Transacting?

Visually, a transactional call looks like a straight line, while a conversational call has a number of curves and off-shoots.

Operations Service Delivery Operations management

The Profession of Contact Center Management

A job is something you accept. A profession is something you choose. The work we do is far too important to be left to people that are simply filling jobs.

Strategy Culture Strategic management

The Phone System App

If the rush to the cloud continues, the attention paid to premise-based systems by vendors will decrease proportionately. It may get to a point where what is ‘right’ or ‘best’ will no longer matter.

Technology Software Platforms